Behold A Mystery the Beginning of the End |

An Amazing Read!

Behold A Mystery: The Beginning of The End by Ryan Moore is the perfect book for you if you want to kow or have questions about the end-times and the Biblical prophecy of the rapture. Sold everywhere, get YOUR copy Today!

Words of A leader

 Then Moses and Aaron fell face down in front of the whole Israelite assembly gathered there. Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh, who were among those who had explored the land, tore their clothes and said to the entire Israelite assembly, “The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good. If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us. Only do not rebel against the Lord. And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will devour them. Their protection is gone, but the Lord is with us. Do not be afraid of them.”

Numbers 14:5-9

God didn’t call us to be stagnant in our faith. He created us to move, to be flexible, but never compromising on His Word.

When you compromise God’s path for your life, His blessings for you, and the people around you are all affected.

God prepared the way for Joshua a long time ago (Joshua 1:9). Where do you think God is leading you?

Joshua and Caleb were walking in the plans of God for their leadership. They didn’t base their decision on mere appearances, rather they decided by faith, in the only one who was faithful and true – God Almighty!

True leaders are led by God!

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