Behold A Mystery the Beginning of the End |

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"Our Future is Now". What are you waiting for? @
The Future

He had denied Christ three times. Peter had sworn he did not know the Lord in order to save himself from persecution, only to realize that he needed to lose his life in order to really live it. And therefore, after his restoration from Christ Himself, Peters mission was to “feed the sheep” – bring people to Christ. (John 21:17) This is where his future began.

So, when Peter implores us to live for Christ amidst hardships, wait for God’s promises and to heed His enduring Word – we should listen! Peter is not living in his past mistakes of yesterday, instead he tells us that our future is now.

Time grows shorter and Christ return is eminent. Jesus is coming soon! Before we start planning this year out, remember that Christ has already established a future for us.

Those of us who serve the Lord have been given a “new life with everything to live for,” with a real future in heaven.  All the money and workouts in the world couldn’t buy the peace Christ gives to us -and our future has ALWAYS been now. Every day we step more into it.

God’s plans are greater than our own. We can prepare plans, “but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.”  As we plan, we must count on God for direction.  (Proverbs 16:1 and 9)

Be Bold With Your Future

If you’re bold this year, have your plans include how many souls you can bring to Christ. The harvest is plentiful. Even planting a word, will allow Christ to do the rest.  The world is lost and hurting, and the only cure is Christ. You have Him, now freely share the Word.

If we strive to represent Christ in everything we do, the rest will fall into place. In fact, when we trust and believe in Christ, we’ll get what we’re after – total salvation, and any earthly gifts God has promised us.

Obedience to the Word adds “length of days and long life and peace,” to us. (Proverbs 3:1-2)

“So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear”. Don’t temporarily live for Christ, then slip back into old habits.  Christ is a responsible Father and will not let us get by with sloppy living, the price He paid was too high.

Our future is Christ. The old life and year has died, the new life and year is from Christ and bears fruit worthy of heaven. Let’s use the time Christ has given us on earth wisely – however much is left!

Allow the peace of God which surpasses ALL understand to guard your hearts and mind through Christ. 

Philippians 4:6-7


What Do you want?

Are you craving peace and can’t find it? Is this year suddenly upon you and you feel lost – tired of the same old life? Please look no further than Christ. Oh, how He really loves you!

For I know the plans that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you a FUTURE and a HOPE.”

Jeremiah 29:11

 It is a new year. You can have a new life too, if you allow Christ in. Only He can take your burdens away if you trust Him. What do you have to lose?

Salvation Plan

Now, if at all possible, get to your nearest Bible preaching church and receive the support you need.

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