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Help your students become excellent book critics and reviewers by learning how to do a book report!

Book reviewers

Did you know? A book reviewer is a professional in the publishing industry who evaluates books on their quality and writes about their reading experiences. Book reviewers can work for publishing companies or publications that cover literary topics, as they can offer insight about the books they review to publishers and potential readers. Many book reviewers start their careers by working on a freelance basis, which allows them to choose the projects they take on and practice reviewing in different genres.

You can read more about Book Reviewers on!

How To Do A Book Report | Template Included

How To Do a Book Report

These templates, available for various grade levels, are the starting of what a good book reviewer does. These were made for our very own homeschool so that our students could get the most out of their reading, and not “just” read. We wanted them to read for understanding and details. We also wanted to know their opinions on the books we read, lastly, I wanted to see if they enjoyed the authors writing.

There is a template for chapter books, picture books and stand-alone single page stories. There is a Lined “write your own book report paper, and lazy-day book reports. There is a book report template for anything you need. Simply keep the file stored away on your computer and print a small folder of templates for your students to grab when doing a book report or create a book review journal with your favorite templates.

Here are some of our favorite folders to hold templates of any kind! Links are affiliate links, see footer for details.

Ideas for Making a Book Report a paper

I require at least three book reports a week in my homeschool, because of our love to read.

For Jr. High and High school students, you can take it a step further by allowing them to use their book report templates as an outline for a written paper on the book they read. The template is already divided into the sections they would need to write a good paper, so all they would have to do is configure where their information will go:

  • The Introduction
  • Beginning
  • Middle
  • The end

Writing Template

Furthermore, to help with this process, I have also included the writing template and rubric I created for my own students in this packet. Now you have all you need to help your upper students create real book reviews!

However you use these templates, my hope is that they will be a blessing to your homeschool as they have ours and our students here at 5 Arrow Homeschool Academy.

Tasha Moore


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