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A 7-Lesson Family Bible Study

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” DEUTERONOMY 6:6-9

This 7-Lesson Family Bible study will help you focus on YOUR family, their salvation, while also helping to teach obedience and unity in your family. It will also help you self-reflect to strengthen your family.

As serving parents serving in the ministry, many times we focus on our ministry work. We focus on bringing people to Christ, “bringing and sharing a loving God to a dying world.” That’s the motto for most of us.

We work hard at doing this, pleasing God, and our “leaders.” But chances are, as much as we are trying not to, we have forgotten that our family is our very FIRST ministry, and we have forgotten to bring salvation into our families!

Your family should be the first people who you minister to. That’s right, pastors, leaders, teachers, and Sunday school teachers, your family comes first! How sad is it to bring so many to Christ but neglect our families in the process because we are “about our Fathers business.”

This was never the way God intended for your family to be, as you work for Him in the ministry. The Bible will be our main source of inspiration as we focus on Genesis 6 and the Life of Noah. Included are 5 very short video lessons to encourage the parents. And highlighted parent/teacher sections for self-reflection and growth.

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2 reviews for Noah’s Ark and My Family | Curriculum | Bible Lessons | Biblical studies

  1. Yesenia Gonzalez

    We just finished the online version of this study and I had to go back mid-study to purchase the assignments because this was amazing. My kids are ages 4, 6, 13, and 18. This Bible study was just what we needed, and the lesson assignments worked for our homeschool Biblical course. My husband was not able to join us, because we did this at a time when he works, but we have plans to repeat it in two weeks when his schedule changes because this IS NOT a study to miss.
    Thank you.

  2. R.W.T.

    All I have to say is Excellent! My family is in the middle of this Bible study, and it has opened our eyes to so much in our family.
    I am a ministry worker and sometimes, I forget how hard this can be on my family. My kids rise early and sometimes stay pass the church closing. It’s a sacrifice on the whole family that after many years, I have forgotten about. I appreciate the fact that this Bible study helps me navigate this and is helping us to be intentional about what we do and what we teach our kids.
    Another aspect my wife and I really appreciated, was the podcast mini lessons just for us. These were made as a quick teaching tool I believe for parents and teachers, but they really did help us to self-reflect.
    I will be saving this and using it every year from now on to make sure we keep ourselves together and to make sure we have our personal hierarchy in place.
    Thank you!

    • RandomNestFamily

      Thank you, we are so glad that this Bible study is blessing your family. Another Family Bible study similar to this one, is the Bible study on peace.

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