Behold A Mystery the Beginning of the End |

An Amazing Read!

Behold A Mystery: The Beginning of The End by Ryan Moore is the perfect book for you if you want to kow or have questions about the end-times and the Biblical prophecy of the rapture. Sold everywhere, get YOUR copy Today!

This a small series of Kids Devotionals by the Randomnestfamily girls, called Kitty Devotionals.

Each devotional features a scripture, a reflection and family discussion questions at the end. Enjoy!

Todays devotion is:

Episode #3 God’s Plans and Not Your Plans

Family Discussion:

  • Has your plans ever been ruined by something unplanned?
  • What does it mean to follow God’s plans for you?
  • How can you know God’s plans for your life?

Memory Verse:

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

Jeremiah 29:11


“Lord, help me to only follow You and Your plans, and to help me do Your will. In Jesus name, amen!”

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