Behold A Mystery the Beginning of the End |

An Amazing Read!

Behold A Mystery: The Beginning of The End by Ryan Moore is the perfect book for you if you want to kow or have questions about the end-times and the Biblical prophecy of the rapture. Sold everywhere, get YOUR copy Today!

It’s only a matter of time before life hits you in your home organization, cleaning, and worst, even your homeschool! Now is the perfect time to “reset,” meaning to get everything set up again with a new perspective, and this article deeps dive into this with guaranteed ways to empower your life “reset.”

If a homeschool “reset” is what you are looking for, check out our article on “How to Prevent Homeschool Burnout,” it has all the tips and tricks needed to reevaluate your homeschool, and works perfectly with this reset journey!

Is it a new year, or a new season in your life?

Creating and organizing for this new year or new season is a fantastic way to start fresh and set yourself up for success. Here are some guaranteed steps you can follow to create and organize your goals, plans, and habits for your “reset:”

Reset by Reflecting on the past year.

What did you achieve, learn, enjoy, and struggle with? What do you want to continue, change, or improve?

Reset by Setting SMART goals.

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, instead of saying “I want to read the entire Bible,” say “I want to read at least one book in the Bible every month, the entire Bible by the end of the year.”

Break your goals into smaller tasks and milestones.

For each goal, identify the steps you need to take, the resources you need, and the deadlines you have. Write them down on these planning sheets or type them in.

This will help you stay focused on the task you are working on, and you will not feel the need to start too many projects at once, i.e., organizing the towel cabinet and cleaning the mud room at the same time (my mistake! LOL).

Reset by Creating a routine and habits that support your goals.

Schedule time for your tasks and prioritize them according to their importance and urgency. Establish habits that make it easier for you to stick to your plan, such as setting reminders in your phone, or rewarding yourself with something special.

Reset by Reviewing and adjust your plans regularly.

Check in with yourself at least once a month to see how you are doing with your goals, tasks, and habits. Celebrate your wins, learn from your mistakes and challenges, then make changes as needed to keep yourself motivated and on track. Whatever you do, don’t give up, even if you must take an item from one section and add it to the next section or month.

Remember, the key is to be realistic, flexible, and consistent. You can do this!

Let’s Reset Binder Pack

In this packet, you will find resources to help you reset, use the templates you need and tailor them to your needs.

For a limited time, they are on sale. Your purchase supports our site in so many ways!

 “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” 

Matthew 19:26 NIV

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