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With the Easter weekend approaching, Resurrection Day is Sunday! Here are our top resources I have created so that you can have great activities to help your family treasure Resurrection Day right now.

Easter Unit

A full Easter Unit Study is available! It documents Jesus’ journey through Holy Week, leading up to His death and Resurrection. To see a preview of how our units are structured for Family Bible Study, click here. This unit is a day-by-day study. Find out more here.

With Easter being one of the most important and significant events in Christian history, the unit is structured in a way that allows you to tell its story for the younger child, but detail it for the older teens, and bring all into SALVATION!

Jesus on The Donkey Activity

Focusing on Matthew chapters 20-21, this lesson outline and assignment follows the same outline as the others in the Gospel of Matthew Series. The chapters of Matthew 20 and 21 are outlined with optional family discussion topics which are popular among our curriculum. This is the perfect reading and activity to deep dive into the Resurrection Day, as it focuses on Palm Sunday and Tuesday of Holy Week.

The Many Lessons of Jesus 

Focusing on Matthew chapters 23-24, this lesson outline and assignment is also a part of the Gospel of Matthew Series. The chapters of Matthew 23 and 24 are outlined with optional family discussion topics. This is also the perfect reading and activity to deep dive into the Resurrection Day and are the next chapters during Holy Week Tuesday. Here, Jesus is teaching His disciples and preparing them for his death and resurrection.

The Many Parables of Jesus, the Plot to kill Him, and His anointing at Bethany

These activities focus on Matthew 25-26. This lesson outline and assignment follows the same outline as the others in the Gospel of Matthew Series. The chapters of Matthew 25-26 are outlined with optional family discussion topics.

Following Jesus through Holy Week, it has a focus on more parables of Jesus, the plot to kill Him, His anointing at Bethany and more! This helps you stay in order if you are doing a chronological timeline to His resurrection.

Jesus Goes To The Cross | He Is Risen!

The last days of Holy Week covering Good Friday and Christ’s Resurrection. The last activities in the Matthew Assignment Series, this lesson outline and assignment follows the same outline as the others in the Gospel of Matthew Series. It comes with optional family discussion topics and two fun activities for multiple ages.

More Activities

Some the activities mentioned above, come from our The Gospel of Matthew Full Bible Study, if you want to study the entire Book of Matthew, this study is perfect for you. Listed below are also a few more Family Bible Studies that are perfect for this Resurrection weekend and are sure to help your Family praise our risen Savior!

Mark 16:6

“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risenHe is not here. See the place where they laid him.

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