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I turned around…and it was the middle of summer!

Can you believe it? It’s already “mid-summer” and I haven’t even “officially” ended my school year. Funny how that happened.

Suddenly it was June, the time when most everyone (that is, all compulsory schoolers) is out of school. The light days when we felt like escaping the norm to our favorite areas, are now gone. Our favorite parks, picnic areas, and the beaches, are all overcrowded, as everyone races to experience “summer.”

Well, to be honest, we are not avid beach goers, for personal reasons. But by golly, it was June. We were not exactly done with some subjects, so I decided we would enter what I like to call “relaxed-summer homeschooling.

Relaxed-Summer Homeschooling

It’s when you have a few “leftover” subjects or curriculum, from the school year that you decide to finish lazily over the summer. So, technically, your kids are not completely “out” of school. They can work in a bridge book, or finish left over curriculums for summer education on the side. While still having PLENTY of time for summer fun.

It got me to thinking, I can’t be the only one surprised that it’s already mid-summer! This is the time where most of us homeschool parent’s, if we haven’t already, start planning the next school year.

This is my favorite part of the summer. I usually leave the planning to this time since I run an eclectic homeschool. We are always outside the box which works best for us!

Mid-Homeschool Prep and Planning

If you are new to homeschooling, you are probably feeling a little or a lot overwhelmed. But don’t be. First, I would like to say that you are in the right place. If you subscribe to our Homeschool 101 Newsletter, you will receive advice, support, and encouraging letters, like this one, to inspire you on this wonderful homeschool journey. So please subscribe and feel free to write back to me. I get so many inspiring emails from you all, they help me determine what to talk about next!

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This is the part where you can plan, BUT you must leave room for LIFE. Because life happens. So, grab yourself a homeschool planner and plan away! Here are some articles on the site that can help you with your planning, because every homeschool is different and the needs will be different.

Here is our most popular and constantly brought homeschool planners and resources for planning. This year, from popular demand, we busted out a dad version. We might even add in a homeschool student and college version for the older students!

Homeschool Planner, Dad version preview img.

Some days you will spend time disciplining for most of the day. That’s okay. Home training starts at home and is a major part of homeschooling. Your kids will look and act differently from compulsory schooled kids.

Some days will be lazy days for the family. Use that time to explore homeschool subscriptions from Pureflix, documentaries, or just getting outside for fresh air, sunlight and a good old homeschool break!

And many days you will feel as if you have accomplished everything, and then some days not much at all. It’s all okay, just be flexible.


If your homeschool is tired of all the textbook curriculums out there, or you just need a break from the normal cat and mouse games, why don’t you try out a unit study to start off the year!

If you aren’t familiar with the unit study way of learning, I must say you and your homeschool are in for a surprise. This article explains all about unit studies.

Here is a look at some of our websites top selling and most used unit studies, many parents have spoken of their ease, focus, and ability to cover more than one subject and grade level! These unit studies are VERY easy to use with detailed instructions and versatility, so you can do what matters most and teach! Use coupon code: Homeschool2024 for 25% off until 7/24/23

And if you desire your textbook work and all the big box names, here are some resources that might help you:

Begin Slow!

Do not rush into the school year with all your new fancy planners and curriculums! Let your students who are older decide how they want to get started. Some might dive in; others might want to take it slow. Especially if you planned almost an eight hour homeschool day. If you can, please don’t do this. Homeschool should never look like public or any compulsory schooling.

Start young kids off in a little at a time. They won’t get overwhelmed, and neither will you. You will surely thank me later! It might seem like there is so much to do but trust me parents there will be plenty of time to get through as much as you will get through in the school year.

Some curricula can come off as intimidating for various reasons, but don’t allow them to intimidate your entire family.

Prevent homeschool burnout at ALL costs!

You Got This!

As usual, I want to leave you with this, you can do it! You are highly qualified to teach your own children. It doesn’t matter how long you have been homeschooling or just starting off. As a parent, God made you fit for the job.

Remember to do what is necessary for your family. Never try to copy someone’s style of homeschooling, especially if it isn’t a good fit for your family. Get ideas, but don’t get stuck in ONE way.

Happy homeschooling!

Homeschool moms are privileged! mid-summer homeschool prep.

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