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It’s almost Christmas, in 25 days to be exact. Last year, we did an awesome series called “25 Days of Christmas Kindness,” which was well loved by so many families that we thought we would break up the days and events into categories this year. This will shake things up and in no particular order, you can choose to do the 25 Acts of Kindness any way you want. This week, we start with how to add kindness to your life now in 25 days, by showing actual kindness to others!

Jesus Is The Reason For The Season!

Christmas cards during homeschool break | 25 Days of Christmas Kindness

Because we are celebrating Christmas while performing these acts of Christmas Kindness, we need to be reminded of what Christmas is about, Jesus! The 25 Days of Christmas Kindness series is a part of our Focus On Your Family: Family Bible Study mission. You can be sure that each act of Christmas kindness starts off with a focus scripture for your family, proceeded by a fun act of kindness to conquer.

Acts of Kindness

The acts below focus on showing kindness to others whether that be in your family or to the outside community. These acts will start off our 25 Days of Christmas Kindness, are you ready!

As usual, feel free to email us your testimonies and stories as you go about performing these acts of kindness, we love to hear your stories! If you participated last year, we hope you love the mix of things for this year. Don’t forget to download your FREE 25 Days of Christmas Kindness Journal to document your progress, a great way to keep the kids focused and get a little extra something in for education!

Don’t be discouraged if you miss a day, or change it up a bit to suit your family. These acts are made to extend far beyond Christmas. Invite friends and extended family members to join in. Have fun and ENJOY! It’s Christmas time!

Let everyone know how it went in the comments below.

More of our Christmas kindness Series

By Day (Days 25-Day 1)


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By Week And MORE Christmas!


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