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Homeschooling is not sitting at a monitor ALL day for 6 to 8hrs, trying to learn.

That’s not real homeschool, in fact it doesn’t even come close.

What the school districts have done with online K-12 public school, is not homeschool, it is schooling at home. Meaning, they are “trying” to take that same classroom, school experience, and bring it into your house, online, keeping your kids on the monitor for hours.

Many parents have expressed that this does not work for their kids. Especially the younger kids. It is just way too much monitor time and not enough living or learning

This had to be addressed because so many parents feel as if this is what homeschool life is.

That is not homeschooling.

This article is written for the new moms and dads out there who will be homeschooling, for REAL, and want a little advice. In fact, we did sit down a while ago and made a very much requested video on how we homeschool.

So, this will be different.

First, I just want to get out there, DO NOT try to make public school at home. I know it’s so easy to go out and buy a classroom. If fact, many parents are already doing so. Do not spend what you don’t have too. Trying to hard will lead to homeschool burnout.

This means, IF you find that sitting at the dining room table helps your kids concentrate, start there. Just organize materials. Do what works for you and your family. If you and your child like it, do it. Just don’t overdo it!

So, what has homeschooling done for us?

Homeschooling has allowed us to grow in our family.

Because we homeschool, we are around each other most of the day. I have come to realize when my kids are tired, annoyed or angry. Even if they will not say, I am able to sympathize more with them, we have a very close relationship with them. They can talk freely to us (respectfully), and we can talk freely to them.

We have more time to pray together, and we love doing our family devotions twice a day. It has blessed us and grown our family spiritually. We don’t hold back when praying with our kids, we pray for everything and encourage them to pray and do the same. They get to add to our prayers, we teach them how to pray, explain why we pray.

Our kids have learned to be a part of the family, and to have responsibilities. This is a big one. So many moms have asked me what to do with their kids after homeschooling.

We homeschool at the most 3 to 4 hrs. with breaks and lunch. So, what do we do after?

CHORES! Yes, the girls have laundry, dishes, and various other chores. However, they have learned to get a lot of these things done the night before, and after they awake in the morning. They have learned to “redeem” the time they have for fun things, like Barbie, Legos, games, computer time, etc. We also invite them into the kitchen to learn cooking skills, baking cookies, cakes, and pies. Making lunches and dinners.

We get out and explore nature, shop, or just experience life together. Our family is much closer because of homeschool.

Homeschooling has taught us patience.

No parent is born with patience. In fact, I had to learn patience in homeschooling, and line my expectations up with my reality.

I called on God tremendously during those beginning years. I asked for patience time and time again. There is ALWAYS a stubborn learner, and a tester in the house. ESPECIALLY if you homeschool more than one kid, with various grade levels, like we do.

But homeschooling has taught me patience where I didn’t have it before. I feel like now I can effectively work with many children and keep a smile. If I have an expectation, I line it up with reality. Can we really get through all this today? Maybe I need to shorten it, so no one goes insane, and I don’t lose my sanity.

Homeschool allows you to be flexible in that way, strengthening your patience with your kiddos!

Homeschooling has taught us to be resourceful.

First, before we buy, we search out the best deals for textbooks, workbooks, or any materials needed to plan my unit studies. There is nothing better than having a list of resources, where you can quickly find all your supplies.

When you have time, research. That has been our thing since the beginning. We have a budget set every year.

Looking for your resources and knowing what you need to teach will help you save money and budget, or else homeschooling can become unpleasant, and expensive. How many times have I told a mom to not buy that expensive textbook just because of the name? They all have the same information. That’s what I look for, what will my kids learn, and how does it compare. I build my own curriculum using various activities or workbooks, printables, you name it. We have a very eclectic style.

Homeschooling has taught us to reach out and help other parents.

Beginning the homeschool process is a lot of work and transitioning. Especially if you have no clue into what or where to start. This was one of the main reasons why Homeschool 101 was started.

To help parents who need answers now, and support.

Years ago, I had two babies, and a husband that worked long hours, and I needed my girls to start school. They had a desire to learn at such a young age, that I didn’t want to waste time. I didn’t have time to research, I didn’t have time to be resourceful. I needed someone to talk to, to glean from. Having a homeschool community and a place to get information was really important.

The desire to help parents just keeps evolving when you know what it is like. I had no friends that homeschooled, and my family thought I was crazy…at first! Now they know this momma don’t play when it comes to her kid’s education. When we felt doubt creep up on us, we remembered why we started this homeschooling journey, our values, morals, faith, integrity. You need a fall back, and that happens when you know why you want to homeschool in the first place. Or else, someone or a situation may talk or take you out of it. Homeschool is an investment of your mind, time and much more.

Homeschooling has taught us to live, and it will teach you to do the same!

It doesn’t matter if you must physically go to work, or you work from home. Homeschooling can be done. It’s all about your curriculum. There’s just so many resources out there that can help any parent homeschool their kids.

You will be able to experience life with your kids, go out more, get to know each other, teach them life skills.

Once a parent has planned their expectations (vs. reality), found their resources, they are ready to homeschool.

Homeschooling will be fun, easy, challenging, crazy, annoying, happy, awesome, and a learning experience for the entire family.

But most of all, it can be done, and you, my friend, can do it! And you are enough to teach and educate your own child.

May the peace of God be on you and your family as you embark on this new journey.

PSP Coordinator, Homeschool 101 Director and Counselor-


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